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Información del propietario

masteradmin (masteradmin)
Fecha de registro: 01.08.2013
Dirección personal:
Nombre de la Compañía: Administrator (creador de este portal)
País: Puerto Rico
Nombre: Bio-Island
Teléfono: (787) 422-7857
Dirección: Parque Las Croabas
Pueblo: Fajardo
Código postal: 00738
Descripción: Bio-Island is the unique company that actually provides an eco-touristic ride
in an electric engine boat to the Bioluminescence Lagoon in Las Croabas,
Fajardo, Puerto Rico, possessing all the permissions and licenses from the
government agencies that regulate this activity.

Bio Island is directed by Captain Charlie Robles who, during the morning,
is the radio-hostess of the number one talk-show program of the northeast
region of the island and during the night shares his passion for nature with
the visitors of the Bioluminescence Lagoon in Fajardo.

Bio Island boat is the perfect selection for those who prefer to lives and enjoy
bioluminescence experience in a boat without a disturbing noise, gases and
who are conscious of the natural preservation