Xtreme Divers

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Owner Information

masteradmin (masteradmin)
Registration Date: Aug 01, 2013
Personal Address: http://emp.midirectoriopr.com/en/administrator/
Company Name: Administrator (creador de este portal)
Country: Puerto Rico
Name: Xtreme Divers
Phone: (787) 852-5757
Address: Aeropuerto de Arecibo
Town: Arecibo
ZIP code: 00614
Description: Skydiving School and More. Come and experience the thrill of human flight! Something out of the ordinary. Jump from more than 10,500 feet from a Cessna 182! Freefall for more than 40 seconds at 120 miles per hour! Ride under the parachute for 5 to 6 minutes and enjoy the most scenic views of Puerto Rico.
Website: www.xtremedivers.com