Abe's Snorkeling and Bio-Bay Tours

Listing pictures

Owner Information

masteradmin (masteradmin)
Registration Date: Aug 01, 2013
Personal Address: http://emp.midirectoriopr.com/en/administrator/
Company Name: Administrator (creador de este portal)
Country: Puerto Rico
Name: Abe's Snorkeling and Bio-Bay Tours
Phone: (787) 741-2134 / (787) 436-2686
Address: Isla de Vieques
Town: Vieques
ZIP code: 00765
Description: It is a beautiful day at the beach. Bright, sunny. Hardly a cloud in the sky. The turquoise water glistens. A rental kayak sits before you, loaded with snorkel gear. A tiny Cayo (island) beckons just a short distance away.

You and your partner launch yourselves from the beach, and with a few strokes, the two of you are on your way. It is your 'maiden voyage' on a kayak, and you seem to be doing fine. Except, for some reason, your boat is drifting in the wrong direction...

You are doing fine, so it must be your partner. You offer some direction, but they don't seem to listen and you keep heading off target. Again, your instructions are ignored and they seem to have their own opinion on how to operate this kayak!

A short argument ensues, but it is minor and you've had worse. Besides, the Cayo is getting closer. A small, sandy-looking beach seems like a good place to make landfall. With a few powerful strokes, you prepare to land, and...

*CRRRRRRCCKK!* ...the bottom of the boat grinds against some jagged coral near the shore, bringing the kayak to a halt. It's stuck, so you, the braver of the two, hop out and pull the boat to shore. *Crunch, crunch, crunch* goes the coral as you bring the kayak to the beach, earning a small cut on your foot for your trouble.

After a short while, you are geared up, though not without cursing your mask for not adjusting the way you want. But, finally! You enter the water and start swimming out. It's shallow, you see plenty of rocks, some grass, lots of sand and... not much else. You heard there was good snorkeling here, so you keep going.

The two of you head into deeper waters, where you see sand and rocks and not... Wait! A fish! A yellow one with stripes, and then another! This one is orange-ish. You look for more, but your mask keeps fogging up and you are spending lots of energy against the steady current.

About twenty minutes and several fish later (including a yellow-blue one and a spotted one) you figure it is
Website: www.abessnorkeling.com